Widowed in Montgomery County

Widowed in Montgomery County (more affectionately known as WIM) is a widow group started by widows and widowers, for widows and widowers. WIM provides peer support and hosts social events for individuals seeking a community that understands the journey of widowhood. We all come here on our own path and with our individual stories to hold each other up and find a way to move forward. We are surviving and thriving and forging our way through plan B surrounded by our peers.

Join Us

It is unfortunate that it took great loss to make you eligible to join, but we are glad that you found us. We have members who are new to their journeys and others who have years of experience on this path. Together we are stronger as we find friendship, support and an encouraging community of people who understand.

Get Involved

Members receive support through peer led meetings and social gatherings. Check out our calendar of events to see what we have planned.

Not widowed? You can still support us through donations or spreading the word about our organization.